Termeni si conditii

The use of this site and the placing of orders on this site implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions expressly and exclusively written on the www.transilvaniaproduction.ro website. SC TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L may at any time amend these provisions without prior notice.
This section is the contractual legal settlement of the relationship between the parties (trader and consumer). According to art. 1270 of the New Civil Code, the valid contract concluded has the force of law between the Contracting Parties.
Visitors will have permanent access to the Terms and Conditions for using the site for consultation at any time.
1. Regulatory framework
The website owned by S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L is subject to the Romanian legislation in force, the relationship between the parties being governed by the following normative acts:
GO no. 21/1992 on consumer protection;
GEO no. 34/2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals;
Law no. 363/2007 on combating incorrect practices of traders in relation to consumers and harmonizing the regulations with the European legislation on consumer protection;
Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce.
2. Owner and Administrator Information
The www.transilvaniaproduction.ro website is owned and managed directly by S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L.
The registration number of the Bucharest Trade Register is J01 / 232/1992
The unique Registration Code is RO 176 7681
Acceptance of conditions of use
Using the www.transilvaniaproduction.ro site, logging in and accessing the services offered is a consumer acceptance of the terms and conditions of confidentiality detailed below, with all the consequences arising from their acceptance.
If the consumer agrees with these conditions, we ask for refusal to use our website or place an order. SC TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L reserves the right to update and / or review the Terms and Conditions posted on www.transilvaniaproduction.ro at any time without prior notice. With this argument at the basis, we ask consumers to periodically monitor any changes, at least before placing an order. A major cause of possible changes is that of constantly updating national legislation on online commerce and personal data processing.
4. Copyrights
The information published on the website www.transilvaniaproduction.ro belongs to S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L., therefore, such information may not be published, transmitted, copied by any method without the prior written consent of the legal representative of S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L. who administers the site.
Failure to comply with these conditions is punishable under the law of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights in force. Any copyright infringement can be found at transilvaniaproduction@gmail.com.
5. Data protection
According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented and of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, the website www.transilvaniaproduction.ro administered by S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L., has the obligation to administer safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that the consumer provides online or by phone.
The purpose of collecting personal data is to use it for billing the ordered products.
The consumer is obliged to provide the actual data, which is necessary for creating the invoice for the products ordered, according to the Fiscal Code. The refusal to transmit the data or the provision of the wrong data determines S.C. TRANSILVANIA PRODUCTION S.R.L. to cancel the order, being considered fictitious.
The registered information is intended for use by the operator for the purpose of communicating the product price and estimating the price of delivery of the products and is only communicated by the consumer who places a request for quote on the website www.transilvaniaproduction.ro. According to Law no. 677/2001, the consumer enjoys the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, the consumer has the right to oppose the processing of his or her personal data and to request the deletion of the data. If some of the submitted data are incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible. To exercise these rights, you can address us at a written request at transilvaniaproduction@gmail.com